
Clean Energy Bootcamp

For innovators at/from universities

End of application period: 31 January 2024

Contact Person

Team members (if any)

University involved

General information on the business idea


Information on the innovation / business idea

Describe the business idea in detail here so that we can get an accurate impression. A maximum of 3,000 characters is available per question.

Your Presentation / Pitch Deck

Please upload your Pitch Deck about your innovation / Business idea. The presentation must answer the following topics on a maximum of 5 slides :
The problem: Which challenge in the energy sector or in livelihood are you addressing? What ist he pain point you are addressing? For whom ist he a challenge and why? Why it’s a problem worth solving?
The innovative idea: How do you solve the challenge and what makes your solution better? What do you do differently from other attempted solutions?
The market: Who is your ideal customer? What ist he total market size? Give us an impression of the number of people who would buy your solution.
The business model: How would you like to earn money with your innovation? Identify the various revenue streams in your business. Did you already test Minimum Viable Product in market and/or do you have first paying customers?
Team: Who is working on this innovation, what is the knowledge background/study?

Upload your Pitch Deck /Presentation with a maximum of 5 slides :
