Cool Lion

Cool Lion develops refrigerated containers powered by the sun. The product not only reduces energy consumption but also makes it easy to deploy in locations that are off the main grid, such as in rural areas.

The solar-powered portable cold rooms range in size from 3-12 metres, which means they can be used in farms or for large commercial properties. They can store produce for one week and can hold up between 1 to 5 metric tonnes depending on the volume of food. The varying sizes allow Cool Lion to cater to different customer needs.

The cost of the refrigerated containers range from $ 8,000 to $ 45,000 depending on the technical specifications and size.

Cool Lion offers two payment schemes to acquire its refrigerated containers. There is the traditional direct purchasing model, which provides the containers under a single payment or the pay-as-you-go leasing model, which provides an affordable mechanism for underserved businesses.
