Our objective is to support rural communities in the fish value chain through affordable refrigeration. “Kuza” is a Swahili word meaning “to grow.”
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, there are more than 12.3 million small-scale fishermen in sub-Saharan Africa. Fifty-two percent of these fishermen live off the grid, and about 45% of their fish harvest is lost daily because they do not have access to affordable and reliable cold storage services.
Most of these fishermen also rely on ice to preserve their catch, but that is not reliable for most of them in the long run. Some dry the fish to keep it from spoiling, but dried fish is worth half as much as fresh fish that can be sold at the market.
Therefore, refrigeration can double fishermen’s income by extending the shelf life of their catch. This creates an opportunity for fishermen to sell more fresh fish to a larger, growing market.